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Will Democrats Accept The Results of the Election?

Jayson Veley

Throughout this election cycle, one of the strategic tactics that the left have deployed has to do with whether or not republicans (and specifically, Trump) will accept the results of the election. In fact, the liberal media machine has already issued warnings that, should he be defeated, the former president will seize power anyway. Take a look at some of these recent headlines:

"The Very Real Scenario Where Trump Loses and Takes Power Anyway" - Politico
"How Trump and his Allies are Teeing Up Potential Election Loss Challenges" - Forbes
"Trump's Plan to Steal Election is Taking Shape" -The Guardian
"Trump Plots to Declare 2024 Rigged" - Rolling Stone

It's not difficult to see why they've latched on to this strategy. They want to generate fear amongst voters that if Donald Trump is elected, then he'll act as a dictator, not a president. The only way to prevent this dystopian fate and "save democracy," they tell us, is to elect Kamala Harris. Of course.

Here's the question, though: why is no one asking Kamala and her allies whether THEY will accept the results of the election if THEY lose? Are they so noble and honorable that we're all supposed to assume they'll accept defeat in the event of a Trump victory? Why aren't THEY forced to answer whether they'll concede the same way republicans are constantly being forced to answer?

It's hard to believe the 2016 election was already eight years ago, but I remember it well. I remember the results coming in, with Trump defying all of the predictions from so-called "experts" and "pollsters." I remember waking up the following morning after Election Day to hear that Donald Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States.

And I remember the outcry from the left in the months, and even years, that followed.

Just days after Trump secured the presidency, the detestable Washington Times ran a story: "One-Third of Clinton Supporters Say Trump Election is not Legitimate." In it, they cited a poll that found "a 58 percent majority of Clinton supporters say they accept Trump's election, while 33 percent do not." Additionally, this poll found that "27 percent of Clinton supporters feel 'strongly' he did not win legitimately."

Just a couple months later, Rep. John Lewis, a democrat from Georgia, would appear on NBC News with (up)Chuck Todd. "I don't see this President-elect as a legitimate president," Lewis said. "I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton."

As we all know, the so-called "Russia collusion" that supposedly took place during the 2016 election was found to be verifiably false.

Michael Moore was another one, calling Trump an illegitimate president while participating in a protest at Trump Tower following the 2016 election. He argued that Trump "does not have the vote of the people" before heading off to a Shake Shack to wolf down a couple burgers and extra large fry (I made that last part up, but let's be honest... I'm probably not wrong).

Hillary Clinton herself, being the bitter malcontent that she is, has not once said that Donald Trump legitimately won the 2016 election. As a matter of fact, she's on record saying the exact opposite, insinuating that Trump somehow stole the election and that she is, in reality, the electoral victor.

During an interview on Sunday Morning with Jane Pauley in September, 2017, Hillary Clinton said of Trump: "I believe he knows he's an illegitimate president. He knows. He knows that there were a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out the way it did."

Need more evidence? Here is a fantastic video that the Republican National Convention put together of Democrats refusing to accept defeat, not just in the 2016 election, but others as well:

With all that being said, I'm formally posing the question to those on the left, who up until this point have somehow been given a free pass: will YOU accept the results of the election? Or will you whine, cry, and declare the republican "illegitimate" as you've done so many times before?

Sadly, I think we all know the answer to that question.


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